Cornell DrupalCamp 2019 was a great success and wouldn't be possible without our sponsors! Thank you to all of them!

Platinum Sponsor $2,000 (Sold Out!)
- Logo placement on every page of the website.
- Twitter campaign for Platinum Sponsors in the weeks leading up to and day of the event.
- Two admission tickets to the all day conference.
- One presentation slot ("Sponsored by...").
- Digital signs promoting your business at the conference site.
- Naming right to an event room.
- Premiere table (6'x2') location in the Registration area.

Gold Sponsor $1,000 (1 of 3 Available)
- Logo placement on every page of the camp website.
- Twitter campaign for sponsors the week before and the day of the event.
- Two admission tickets to the event.
- Naming right to an event room.
- Display table (6'x2') in the Registration area.

Silver Sponsor $500
- Logo placement on every page of the camp website.
- Inclusion in the Twitter campaign for sponsors on the day of the event.
- One admission ticket to the event.
- Half display table (4'x2') in the Registration area.

Bronze Sponsor $250
- Logo placement on every page of the camp site.
- Inclusion in the Twitter campaign for sponsors on the day of the event.

Training Sponsor (Fulfilled)
- Offer one day of training (maximum 45 attendees)
- Two admission tickets to the Friday camp
- Logo placement on every page of the camp website
- Twitter campaign for sponsors in the weeks leading up to and day of the event.

Badging Sponsor $50 (Sold Out!)
- Logo/Name of business on camp attendee badges
- Logo placement on every page of the camp site.
- Inclusion in the Twitter campaign for sponsors on the day of the event.