Features for Absolute Beginners (D7)

The Features module is an essential tool for deploying changes to your Drupal 7 site: it eliminates the need to replicate 100's of clicks in the Drupal UI, just to implement configurations from your development environment to your live site. Also, Features is great for neatly bundling related functionality to share and reuse.

In this session, you'll become familiar with basic Drupal 7 Features functionalities, and learn to create complete Features through the Features UI and Drush. Among other things, we will:

Create a feature with the features UI.
Examine overridden features with the features UI and with Drush.
Update features with the features UI and with Drush.
Use those features on another site.
Demonstrate conflicts (i.e. when enabling or exporting features).

This session is meant for people with little or no experience using Drupal Features. That said, we will not cover how to get started with Drush. THAT said, only a few, limited parts of the presentation will use Drush (we'll mostly use the features UI), so anyone who's unfamiliar with this command-line tool should not be deterred from attending by this minor detail :)

Note: We will be using Drupal 7 for this session. (Features for Drupal 8 is a complete rewrite.)

Slides are attached -- see below. Code and whatever else I produce during the session will be on GitHub.